See what was discussed this week!
Nothing to report this week!
Expect an announcement in the next few days announcing our first batch of certified creators. We'll be sending emails before the blog post.
Viewer 10b17 is now on preview, and will be on live as soon as it has (and as long as it has) passed QA. Most of our week has been on stabilising these viewers, so the feature list this week is a little light.
Proceeding at good pace - we should be formally updating over the next few weeks.
The only major breaking point we're expecting is the ancient pre-2013 particle system which we are depreciating (which as far as we can tell is unused - if you have used this, please reach out to us).
The processing server now stamps the creator ID during the packaging phase, insead of being affixed on afterwards. This is useful for a few things going forward, with being able to inspect the creator of an item when you don't own a copy (and it's not clothing). This also will mean we can put a .Creator property into scripting's SGameObject class.
Continuing from last weeks discussion on pattern derivation, we have added a new component called 'Patternable'. This component can be affixed to any existing object with a Renderer and lets you specify that it is patternable, give it a name and so on. This solves the issue of picking which Renderer should be the one the pattern updates.
There was also a long discussion on our thoughts for derivable 'substitutes' - a new type of asset allowing multiple inheritence in derivable content for more robust derivation. (Come along next week if you are curious - we'll discuss this again!)
If you'd like to come along and discuss these items in more detail - our weekly technical office hours with our lead developer Adam Frisby is at 6PM UTC/2PM EST/11AM PST every Wednesday.