Highlights from the 7th Annual Sinespace Awards

On Friday 17th November, at the Sinespace Show, we gathered to celebrate the creators, innovators, and pioneers of Sinespace at the 7th Annual Sinespace Awards. This prestigious event, showcased outstanding talent across various categories, from Virtual Fashion to Community Engagement. 

Let's dive into the electrifying results of the evening and celebrate the winners who have left an indelible mark on the virtual landscape.

Virtual Fashionista: Dragon Girl

The Virtual Fashionista category set the tone for the night, with Dragon Girl claiming the top spot. Known for pushing the boundaries of digital style, Dragon Girl's outfits captivated the community and earned her the title of Virtual Fashionista.

Winner: Dragon Girl

Joint Second: Ell and Kay Parks

Master Builder: Carsten Stark

In the realm of virtual construction, Carsten Stark emerged as the Master Builder of the year. His innovative designs and meticulous attention to detail set a new standard for virtual architecture, making him a deserving recipient of this esteemed award.

Winner: Carsten Stark

Joint Second:  Arctic Rose and Saphy

Digital Daredevil: Mimi Marie

The Digital Daredevil category celebrates those who fearlessly explore new frontiers within virtual space. Mimi Marie's daring endeavours and boundary-pushing events secured her the top spot, proving that taking risks can lead to extraordinary outcomes.

Winner: Mimi Marie

Joint Second: Punkster and Blackout Gamer

Community Champion: Mimi Marie

Recognising the importance of community engagement, the Community Champion award went to Mimi Marie. Her dedication to fostering a sense of unity and collaboration within the virtual community stood out, making her a beloved figure among her peers.

Winner: Mimi Marie

Joint Second: Mizz and Dragon Girl

Virtual Visionary: Carsten Stark

Carsten Stark showcased his building prowess and his visionary outlook, earning him the Virtual Visionary award. His ability to conceptualise and bring to life innovative virtual landscapes made a lasting impact on the community.

Winner: Carsten Stark

Joint Second: Hinkley and Arctic Rose

Gamification Guru: Mizz

In the world of gamification, Mizz stood out as the Guru of the Year. After being handed the new gamification tools, her expertise in creating engaging experiences earned her the top spot, proving that she is a force to be reckoned with in the digital gaming sphere.

Winner: Mizz

Joint Second: Punkster and Dragon Girl


The 7th Annual Sinespace Awards celebrated creativity, innovation, and community spirit within our virtual world. The winners showcased the diverse talents that thrive in our virtual landscape, from groundbreaking fashion to visionary architecture and daring digital adventures. As we applaud the Virtual Fashionista, Master Builder, Digital Daredevil, Community Champion, Virtual Visionary, and Gamification Guru, we eagerly anticipate what the next year will bring regarding virtual excellence. Until then, congratulations to all the winners and participants who continue to shape the ever-evolving world of Sinespace.

Helping Hands Thank You:

In a heartwarming display of gratitude, the Sinespace community came together to express their appreciation for the unwavering support provided by the Sinespace staff. During a touching moment at the 7th Annual Sinespace Awards, participants collectively paused to extend their heartfelt thanks through the "Helping Hands Thank You" initiative. This gesture, characterised by virtual hands forming a mosaic of appreciation, was a powerful testament to the sense of unity and camaraderie within the Sinespace community. The acknowledgement of the dedicated efforts put forth by the Sinespace staff added an extra layer of warmth to the awards ceremony, highlighting the collaborative spirit that makes the virtual platform a thriving and supportive environment for creators and enthusiasts alike. It was a touching reminder that behind the scenes, there is a team of individuals working tirelessly to make Sinespace a home for creativity, innovation, and shared experiences.

Written by Unknown on Tuesday December 12, 2023
