Creator Spotlight - Daz 3D Originals now available in Sinespace!

Clothing, avatars and more!

We’re very excited to showcase Daz Originals, the world’s largest 3D character and outfit creator, as a developer and content vendor in Sinespace!
Daz 3D is widely known for it's high quality avatars and detailed clothing, and now you can find both of these in our Shop.

You can buy Daz avatars from our Shop, and quickly add them to your existing avatar in the Outfit window; Simply click on the Morph button and find the body and head shapes you want to add, click on them, and they will morph your avatar to match the Daz one! (You will need to add the Base Female/Male head shapes and body shapes first!) A good example of these morphs is the Brute; transform yourself into a bodybuilder or a massive green man, it's up to you!

All of our current Sinespace and creator items will fit these morphs, so you can mix it up all you want. 

Above: The beautiful party Marisol Dress by BlakOpal Designs, modelled by the Shyla shape and skin from Daz

You will also find a collection of beautiful and detailed clothing for your avatars, such as this Slinky Dress, perfect for a night out on the town with your friends, or become a Smooth Talker with this great outfit for men! 

Check out all of the Daz items currently on sale in their Shop and make sure to check back for new items regularly. 

Written by Hannah on Tuesday December 24, 2019
